Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Anglesey Abbey

Today I went to Anglesey Abbey. I go there a lot but during March/April Wild in Art have an exhibition of 12 Shaun the Sheep sculptures. 

The theme was playing at the entrance and staff on the welcome desk had Shaun ears :)

The Original by Wild in Art Studio

Shaunberry by Jodie Silverman

What Ewe-eat by Gayani Ariyaratne

Shaunucopia by Tim Sutcliffe

River Baank by Jina Gelder

Garden Plaants by Ali Elly

Sunshine by Becky Smith

Birds of a feather by Donna Newman, Eden-Desgin Murals

Shaun the Shape by Kelly Ma

Lemon Drop by Lisa Kirkbride Designs

Barbed-Baa by Donna Newman, Eden-Desgin Murals

Jungle Baananza by Jodie Silverman

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