Connaught attracts lots of ducks and as they get fed you see some odd sights.
Gadwall walking down a path? Surey not!

I examined the various teals I saw but they were all European and when I ran into another birder he said the same.
Still I did gain a Mandarin Duck for a year tick.

A Great Spotted Woody was really banging away and there plenty of ducks and geese (including Egyptian).
The ever reliable.....

No rarity then but a nice stroll.
A nice stroll, in grand company Pete.
Love those Mandarins. So outrageously beautiful.
Good shot of the mandarins!
Lovely shots. Sounds like a nice day.
Aww, that last one is so cute! But I bet with my luck, it's really mean and would peck my eyeballs out!
Bad luck on dipping on the green-gined teal but some lovely photos, Pete. Especially like the one of the mandarins - beautiful birds.
Shame about the Green-winged Teal, that's the sort of luck I have!
Well done with the Mandarin, I never see them in this area.
Lovely photo of the Robin.
the flipping GW Teal was seen yesterday!!!!!
@Attila nah the Robin is only nasty to other Robins
That last little bird is a cutie.
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