The problem with Barnes is that they market it less for birds and more as a social centre. Which means you get lots of families - now I have no problem with this but they are seldom interested in the wildlife.
As I was getting the camera out of the boot a Chelsea Tractor parked next to me. It contained the obligatory family with young kids
Woman - I ought to get Enzo his....
Woman - Theo will love that
Woman - Oh its Cordelia.
Not vast numbers of birds about one Sparrowhawk, Chiffchaff, Cetti's Warbler, 7 snipe and a Ruff being the highlights.

As I was walking back to the visitors centre at lunchtime I ran into Trish. We had a chat whilst she ate and drank - I refuse to pay their exorbitant prices!!
and so home
A very enjoyable visit, Pete illustrated by some nice photos. Lovely to see the cheerful wildflowers at the end which remind me it isn't Winter yet although it has felt and looked like it here today!
I know just what you mean about the "families".. some good and some... well - say no more...
Today was quite quiet compared to the summer Sundays but hopefully WWT at Barnes will start to redress the balance and benefit the serious birders again. Cheaper food (in the cafe) and better service would be a place to start...
That aside, some lovely pics and great detail on the Moorhen.
Well done on the Snipe - a couple more than recently.
Lovely pictures Pete. Is that a bird feeder that's been constructed? It looks very interesting.
Families are especially bad at wandering into shot and hanging about! It's incredible how long they can stay in shot, having spotted that you are there with the camera trained in their general direction. (Puts the lid back on...)
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