I went to Clovelly this morning.

The village is a bit of a tourist trap with lots of touristy shops. When you reach the bottom of the very steep cobbled hill you have two choices. You either walk back up or pay £2 for a lift. Guess what I did.
So where to? I went to Tapeley Park Garden. When you visit a smaller non National Trust property you get a sense of how hard it can be for these places to survive in the 21st century. Everything seems a bit haphazard and a bit crumbly. Of course this makes a nice change to the corporateness of the National Trust or the full on money making of Blenheim or Chatsworth.

I popped in for a BLT baguette. Lovely bacon cooked to order (so much Bacon it was hard to close the baguette). This was sat by the till. Guess who i thought would like it?? Answers on a post card.

The garden was alive with birds. Big Tit flock (blue, great and goal with Goldcrests), Green Woodies and Mistle Thrush.
Yes, Clovelly is a bit touristy. I bet you walked!! ;)
You had me all caught up in the Gnome Reserve before I even had a chance to go any further. I love the early garden Gnomes in the museum. I like them much better than the brightly coloured ones of today. The paintings by the founder are lovely, very whimsical. Wouldn't mind going there at all. Now...on to that marvelous skeleton couple. Aren't they magnificent, lol. The other photos are great. Lots of wonderful statues in the gardens. Wonderful stuff on this trip for sure.
Clovelly is all the more lovely for being visited out of season. Didn't realise that Tapeley was so large!!
I agree with OC - those "elderly" gnomes are much better - they even have character!!
The B&W of the harbour works well - another good day by the sounds of it!
house not open trish.
Very interesting Pete. Great photos and it all brings back happy memories, I remember walking down the cobbles at Clovelly...and back up! I remember I went to both Tapeley and Arlington and enjoying them both but can't remember a thing about them! It was a long, long time ago though. I vaguely remember passing the gnome reserve but not stopping, I too prefer the ones in the museum.
The photo of the Robin on the previous post is just beautiful.
Do the Donkeys still go up and down the cobbles at Clovelly Pete?
"haphazard and a bit crumbly" ... just how I like it!
dorothea - bit like me!!
SS - yeah they do. there is a place you can visit them but I didn't do that as the lift dropped me past them and I wasn't walking back down :D
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