As I drove into Cullompton I saw a sign for NT Killerton House, which you haven't seen here, but it would be a 12 mile drive out of my way and NT Knightshayes was on my route and as I was tired....
So the walled garden.

lots of butterflies.

ah Mr Poser!!

The house is a Victorian masterpiece with some nice gardens.

After being ripped off with a National Trust Sandwich (I really should have soup and a roll) I checked into my hotel and then..
760 St Hieritha, Chittlehampton

761 St Peter, Tawstock

I thought OC would like this...

but then I had a REAL OC moment.

I really like 0764.jpg. If you have photoshop that one would be fun to play with. You do so love black and white. High pass filter would be nice. 2 times. once vivid light and next color. also clone out the extra leaves in the front. The composition is great. What is it anyway? a cat?
0023.jpg is lovely. Too bad the ladder had to be in the middle. early photographers just loved to take pictures of ladders like that one.
Lovely Pics. Where those people with the ladder against the wall trying to make a bid for freedom or the dodgy sandwich vendor in the car park?
OMG! You've blown me away with this lot of pictures. Firstly, I want to live in that Victorian Masterpiece with those gardens. Think you can arrange it, lol. Pete the pictures of the butterflies on those purple and blue flowers are outstanding. And now on to the churches (rubbing hands together with glee). What gorgeous stuff. Can I say I love it all. What tombs, what colour, what! What a moment, lol. It's going to be hard to top this lot.
not sure what it is Turquis. some sort of mythological beast?
OC - thought you would approve
St J - fruit pickers?
I do love Knightshayes. Interesting to see it from lower down. I didn't get down to that level as it was unfriendly for wheelchairs.
I really like the garden statues and the flutters on the asters are really good pics :) Sounds like a good day despite the early start ;)
St. Peter @ Tawstock is amazing!
Great selection Pete.
Highlights for me; the Red Admirals, the massive sunflower, and that old garden roller.
Excellent, another Pete holiday for me to enjoy vicariously. Love the colors on the butterfly shots. The fellow in the pointy nightcap reminds me of vlad the impaler.
VERY annoyingly before I took the garden roller I had a shot lined up with a Robin sat on it. The focus locked the bird scarpered
Lovely photos, particularly, for me, the butterflies especially Red Admiral, the Sunflowers, the Robin and the church interiors, great stuff.
Lovely pictures, Pete.
Could see OC's pointy hat wobbly with excitement as she marvelled at the pictures. And with chickens to boost!
yoke - lol couldn't you just!!
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