I should have gone to Skomer, I mean really it was lovely but I believed the weather forecast so you can look at St David's Cathedral and it's Bishops palace. Its a lovely church, but if you stuck it down in England would it stand out? (think Southwell Minster, Christchurch Priory or Beverley Minster).

And so to Picton Castle.
This chap was greeting people in the car park. He was VERY friendly, the car is mine.

Monk's Hood!!

Oh the Robin saw me off!! so cute!!
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Oh riddle me this. I've noticed my 70-300VR is not focusing properly on my D80. Every so often it freezes. I got fed up yesterday and stuck it on the d300 and the 17-50 on the d80. That way I'd know if it was the camera or the lens. Guess whatboth behaved perfectly after the swap!! go figure.
A very majestic building and some interesting ceilings of St. Davids. Also like the(what seem) more modern metal sculptures and the grill?
Picton Castle looks interesting and love the "branches" sculptures in the garden.
Great composition of the Dragon pic with reflection - love that sort of picture! Seems the Song Thrush is having a snack..
(Glad to hear Vodaphone is performing ;) )
Read the email, sorry!
Well I've lived here all these years and you've been to places I've yet to see, the way it goes I suppose when you aren't a tourist (St Davids to mention but one)
Glad the weather has improved, yep, in t-shirt today, although was a bit blowy down at North Dock, Llanelli at teatime! I think the sea crossing would have been too rough to Skomer, well for me anyway, I would have puked for sure! The rain is very patchy, we had none here for instance and I went up the farm teatime and they had showers on and off all day (2 miles away - go figure...!)
I love and adore your photos. The winged bug with the way curving backside. the big square building with the blue sky. and the English herbaceous borders that I always read about in mystery stories. Im just beginning a new course in digital illustration and I see things with new eyes already. what if the bugs were all over the building? The building looks spooky. Who lives (ed) there? Doesnt matter. The herbaceous borders need lots space and lotsa work.
Jan - always the way. for years i hadn't been to audley end.
turquis. its an emperor dragonfly. lovely beast.
this maybe of interest
i'll relate a story tomorrow.
Wow, wonderful stuff! Love the dragon with reflection. How lush it is there...guess all the rain is good for something, lol. Beautiful place.
The Robin must have approved of the colour of your car.
In the review you linked to about my new lens, the reviewer said it got on less well with the 350D (my camera) than it did with the next model up. I suppose technology has likes and dislikes, like any of us. :-)
Love the emperor dragonfly!
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