So back to google and uhm my second google account.
Anyways I went to Lackford Lakes this morning. I was a bit worried in case I got few things to photograph.
Plenty of flutters around tho.

Egyptian Goose


The star of the day was this little chap.

Damsel, female banded demoiselle?


Emerging Damsel.

Another female demoiselle?

Great Grested Grebe.

There were a few Great Crested with young. I did spy a pair of Little Grebes on a nest. A pochard innocently swum close and got jumped on by the much smaller bird and chased off.

This Heron was minding its own business but it got bombed by a Black-Headed Gull.

Other stuff seen? Wigeon (unusual this time of year), Green Sandpiper, Little Egret, Warblers and Tits and a Green Woody. Nice 3 hours or so.
Wow, great shots of the Kingfisher. The emerging Damsel is fascinating. Wonderful photos Pete.
Great photos of the Kingfisher Pete.
Great photos of the Kingfisher Pete.
Not sure if first comment registered...should be getting a new comp this week and hopefully some of the problems I have been having will be sorted.
hope the new computer is reliable!
Kingfisher? It was the poppy and the departing butterfly I was blown away by, LOL! Pretty bird, though.
Great photos, love the kingfisher and butterfly photos!
Good shots of the Kingfisher (lucky you) :D and the Grebe and yes - they are both female Banded Demoiselles - beautiful colouring.
did you try twitpic? also, it would be kind of fun if you just twittered you observations in nature as you see them on the spot. i guess you can do it from your phone? and please dont follow anyone. those dumb comments make no sense at all. also why tell anyone youre drinking a cup of tea or its hot out today? You dont have to post your twitters on your page but have you blog address on your twitter page. Twitter wont replace your wonderful blog but it would be fun to read your observations in nature as they occur. yeah.
hi turquis. earlier today there was a comment about seeing the kingfisher.
I will update it from the phone with stuff like that. When I'm on holiday it'll be a live feed!!
Great set of pictures Pete; difficult to pick a favourite, except I'm not jealous at all of the Kingfisher shots.
Maybe a bit then. My nemesis bird. lol
I've been trying for ages to get one; and you get loads! And with lunch!
Well done :)
The kingfisher must have been a thrill to see. the comma butterfly and the last photo are wonderful as well. I missed your twitter post about it because of all the other blab about tennis from people you are following. I dont think tennis is as interesting as that kingfisher even though you do. There. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Nipped back again... that poppy photo really shines.
diddums - you can use it for wallpaper or somesuch
Turquis - the blab was me replying. I'd agree the Kingisher is more interesting tho? And anyway I don't smoke! :D
Thanks, Pete, I can think of ways it would work on wallpaper. :-)
Oooooh you lucky thing! I bet you smiled (smugly!) when you read on my blog about me looking out for a Kingfisher, I actually saw your photos yesterday but had to go and lay down until the envy had subsided ;) before commenting!!!
Great photos throughout, the emerging damsel is terrific and I love the Poppy. Did I get it right are you a big fan of tennis as well, I love it. Hope I haven't misunderstood and you really hate it.
Is mcintyre one of the sandpipers?
ss - sowwy. lackgord is a good spot for them.
diddums - use anything you like.
T- see new post
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