Not many photos I'm afraid, the birds were fairly distant. There weren't huge numbers, did the recent freeze chase them off?, but some good ones. Slavonian Grebe, Peregrine, Goosander, Marsh Harrier and Black Necked Grebe being the highlights. Heard a pinging Bearded Tit briefly.
Distant Black Necked Grebe. Rubbish pic but record shot.

Anyway at 2:30 ish most people went off to twitch a King Eider, Trish and I went for the photogenic Night Heron.
Along the way look what we found on the path,

And of course the photogenic Heron? Could we find it? No just as we were giving up ... YES. Appeared to be asleep and in some reeds, if I hadn't seen an eye....
So you'll have to content yourself with

Lovely looking sheep. The ferret is adorable. Great pictures all.
Love the ferret, can almost smell it from here....;o)
Dungeness is always windy. Used to go there loads as a kid with my dad fishing. He never caught bugger all though if I remember.
Is the Pilot Cafe still there, used to do a mean fish and chips.
there's a pilot inn...
Great creatures, all. Thanks for letting my mind wander through a warmer clime. Just received an additional 8" of snow, but at least it warmed up to 30º today... yesterday, Lucy and I headed off to work in 2º weather - BRRR! Loved the doves!
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