Anyway I may be wifi-less for a few days so if I disappear......
I am meeting a few friends up in North Lincolnshire. I REALLY REALLY hope we find a Bittern Saturday for the Blonde One, I know I like to wind her up about Bitterns but cross your fingers for her ok.
Sunday I am going to Donna Nook. For baby seal photos!!
The other two days I am away will be spent ticking churches. How many I am not sure, if you are good boys and girls I may even go to Lincoln Cathedral.
See you soon. That is assuming I haven't been snowed in !! Lets hope the weather forecast is wrong again!
Anyway I thought I'd give OC her photo fix.
You may have heard some squeals of delight yesterday as my little Canon A620 was unleashed out of its case and allowed to take some pictures of St Margaret's Church, Barking. It is in the book and was ticked ages ago but as I work near to it a couple of days a week I thought you'd like a look.
Yes, I am green and shocked, Pete.
4 days of such lovely wildlife hunting activities while I'm still stuck on the road!
Looking forward to the photos and stories.
have fun.
Lincoln Cathedral is Well Worth A Visit. Do Go and have a look.
Pete, enjoy your holiday!!!!!
Thanks for sharing those stained glasses...beautiful.
Have a great holiday.... again! (although I can't talk). Here is a little link I found that I thought you might like to add to your list (if you haven't already been)
In fact this blog seems to post quite a few (outside) pics of Dorset churches
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