I left home at 6:15 and off we went. I was heading to the South of Shropshire and the recommended route is the M1, M42 etc, I went the M40 why? Red Kites fly over it.
Today is all about churches.
690 St Peter and St Paul Rock

691 St Mary, Burford

692 St Mary, Bromfield.
I ought to mention that this was once a priory. After the dissolution the priory building were turned into a house and the chancel was turned into a dining room with a bedroom above. The house was burnt down and today the chancel is a chancel again.

693 St Michael, Lydbury North

And so my favourite ruin Stokesay Castle. Yes that is a church in one of the pictures. I've done that before!

694 Heath Chapel (and thanks to the chap who saw me trying to find this on the map and stopped)

695 Langley Chapel
This is in the care of English Heritage and is signposted!

The tombs in the Burford church are wonderful. The carved statue of the angel and the wall itself is magnificent. The wall or plaque in Bromfield with the triangle in the centre I find very interesting. And the first picture in Lydbury North, what wonderful work. The picture of the face at Stokesay Castle, was there any doubt that I'd like that, lol. Great pictures all.
Langley Chapel looks fascinating as does Stokesay Castle - love the wooden carving above the fireplace.
I do like the look of Stokesay Castle.
Nice pics again, Pete.
What? No Red Kite pictures?
You disappoint me, Pete; although, not with your other pictures, the carvings are beautiful.
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