So it was lucky I never went gallavanting around. Well Summer has arrived it was very very HOT. Spent the morning at Amwell. Highlights being a Grey Wag, Common Redstart, Common Sandpiper, Hobby, Garden Warbler and a Common Whitethroat and thet afternoon at Rye Meads with 6 Green Sandpiper, lots of Terns and young ducks and Grebes and a rather nice male Ruddy. Lots of dragonflies at Rye Meads.
So the photos.
A tatty Emperor which had been giving what to to the myriad Brown Hawkers.
This Heron is still posing!!
And a Migrant Hawker to finish.
Glad your mum is home and feeling a bit better.
And just shut up about the weather. It's stopped raining at last I think, but its grey grey grey and has been for 2 days. It's 15c outside, and I wish I had the heating on in here. We have more rain forecast for tomorrow afternoon now too. Starting seriously to think about moving again.
Confusion from hospitals is so frustrating, the least they could do is be organized and efficient if nothing else. Glad to know your Mum is home, no matter how ill , home is always more comforting.
Your pictures as usual are refreshing.
So, how hot is hot your way?
jan :D
Leaz - uh it was about 80ish I guess
Beautiful sunshine here as well. You got some great photos today.
Glad your Mum is feeling a little better. Sounds as if the hospital staff don't communicate with each other.
Jan, it seems we live at the two extremes....
Pete - 80ish would be cool here.
Good news that they finally let her go. :-).
Happy to hear that your mum is finally at home. Your photos are wonderful.
love the dragon shots
St - I was REALLY chuffed with the dragons
I've been worrying about your Mum all weekend, unable to get on the net due to a blowed-up pc. I was going to text but couldn't seem to phrase a message right.
I'm pleased she's back home safe and sound.
In other news, I missed the buff-breasted spiper.
Glad your Mum is home now Pete.
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