Went to Rye Meads after lunch. Kingfisher appeared with fish (I believe the eggs have hatched), picture not worth posting. Kestrel chicks in the box. Young every where really. Lovely to see.
So some photos.
Red Admirals everywhere
Young birds
Black Tailed Skimmer
Common Blue Damselfly
Ducks !
On Wednesday there was a coot here!! The coots have left the nest, although the duckling got chased off by an adult.
Common Tern
Are these photos better or worse than those that precede them?
Who are you looking at?
Wonderful pictures once again Pete. The one of the swan with the young ones is stunning.
Better or worse question - I take it you mean when you have two of the same thingy? On the one of the Comma, (which is fantastic btw) I find the top one of the two to be the clearest, and the same for the other ones - if thats what you wanted to know?
The baby coot is cute or should that be coot?
i meant the photos before the comment and those after the comment
Butterflies always keep their wings closed when i try to take photos of them
Where is the complaints form?
I want a pic of a stripey GCG.
But the duckling pic is marvellous.
Beautiful. I love the swans. I'd need to drive a long way to see such gorgeous birds.
Your butterflies are great.
Mary (new forest) - they were basking in some rare sun!!
Mary (NC) - one of the advantages of living in a small country is that nothing is THAT far! Lots of Mute Swans about over here
The second lot seem a little soft to me, were there first ones taken with the macro lens? But then I also need to sort out this monitior as it isnt as good as I would like it! Some nice photos there
neither taken with the macro. First lot taken with Tamron 200-500 the second with Nikon 70-300
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