Now not your typical Forest scene.

Sorry for such a naff photo, but this handsome Male Mandarin Duck was a decent local bird.

There were two Terns over the lake with one on the Raft.
Ooh look at my tale!!

Loads of Rabbits about

So on to Rye Meads, young Collared Doves.

If you look closely you'll see young Common Terns.

First cygnet of the year.

Common Blue I think.

Well it is a path.

Well what is he doing above the Kingfisher bank? No Kingfisher today :(

Broad Bodied Chaser as I walked back to the visitors centre.
Fabulous display, Pete. I'm intrigued by your variety of birds I'll never see. The one of the solitary white duck preening itself is lovely. I don't get to see waterfowl often, so I really enjoy your views.
Both the damsels are Common Blue´s.
Note the mushroom like figure on S2 and blue shoulder stripe is broader than the black stripe under it.
Christian - ta.
Mary - solitary swan is a young swan (cygnet). you get them don't you?
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