Friday, January 10, 2025

it's cold out there

I had a few plans but it's flipping cold and so I have spent my time walking. Hopefully I'll wander out to a few places next week.

Most of the ponds are now iced up. 

I saw this chap standing on the ice this morning. 
Last year I saw well over a hundred and there were 40 something in the Autumn but this poor goose is all on his own.

There was a small portion free. I think where a stream runs into it and here is where the ducks were hiding.

So far this year no winter thrushes or finches have appeared on my walk. 

1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

It is perishing cold Pete! Not been out here apart from feeding the birds! Promised son when it gets a bit milder we will go out somewhere! We often get Winter Thrushes in the garden when it is this cold but I haven't seen any this year.

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