Birds, books, churches and anything else I want to waffle about
Saturday, November 13, 2010
"Well OC I might go to Canterbury"
I've been telling OC for years that I "might go to Canterbury Saturday" for ages. So today as the weather was grey and cloudy I headed south of the river into Kent.
My, oh my, oh my, what a fantastic Cathedral. It's enough to take ones breath away! A place to put on my list of "Places Pete must take me", if I ever get over there, lol. I'm so glad I finally got to see some pictures. Don't you just love the Romans horse, lol. I'm not quite sure if I can figure out what the ducking stool is but I do like the picture.
Despite the dullness of the day, some lovely pics there Pete... really sharp
and Canterbury Cathedral is lovely :)
My, oh my, oh my, what a fantastic Cathedral. It's enough to take ones breath away! A place to put on my list of "Places Pete must take me", if I ever get over there, lol. I'm so glad I finally got to see some pictures. Don't you just love the Romans horse, lol. I'm not quite sure if I can figure out what the ducking stool is but I do like the picture.
Canterbury looks a beautiful place to visit, Pete and what a wonderful cathedral. Really like the stained glass window photos.
RR - it is a lovely place and some lovely glass
OC - the ducking stool is slap bang centre of the pic. click on it and open it.
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