I saw a Peregrine Falcon this morning!! They are occasionally seen around here at Fisher's Green and at Rye. Although I was more chuffed to see a Brimstone butterfly driving back from taking Dad shopping!
This afternoon I went to Rye Meads. A few Chiffchaff singing as well at least 3 Cetti's Warblers. Also Snipe, Lapwing , Green Sandpiper and 2 Redshanks.
Nice shots Pete.
Bob and I had 7 male Brimstones in Buckinghamshire on Thursday - they were very lovely - most importantly they made us think of spring!
(A Swift was spotted in Kent today - with Martins - a very early record for Kent - in fact some think its the first - we hoping to see Hirundines on Thursday when we go to Dungeness having dipped them last week - Martins that is!)
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