I was going to get up early and head for the forest but old lazy bones here pulled the duvet up!!
Went around the parents this morning and had a nice roast lunch. Lamb !!
Took my new teleconverter to Rye Meads.
Not many birds to snap!! but at standard

at 12x

at 12x plus teleconverter. It makes a difference!

Anyway nice to hear Chiffchaffs singing! Spring is definitely back.

Great pictures Pete.
Chiff chaffs? Probably have to wait a bit 'til they make it up 'ere.
lovely pics, like the water buffalo?
OC/boo - I was just trying to show the difference when adding the TC.
Kaz - on there way was one in Northamptonshire yesterday
Some very good results there with the teleconverter.
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