I started at Amwell Gravel Pits. First thing I saw was a Water Rail.
I appreciate this is naff but....

you can see how far away it was!
Lots of ducks (including Goldeneye). No Smew, I presume they were on the second lake which I didn't walk to.
Whilst at the observation platform I saw a Sparrowhawk, Great Spotted Woodpecker and masses of Reed Buntings. And a Cetti's Warbler letting rip!
I then went to the Water Rail Hide. This is set next to a feeding station so....

It does make you realise just how attractive Blue and Great Tits are.
There were lots of Swans on the river.

This youngster decided to sit in a puddle.

The River.

Ok naff picture but hey its a Treecreeper!!

So that'll do. A few snaps on the way to the car.

Not Emma the Dog but a cousin!

On to Rye Meads.
Highlights included Green Woodpecker, Green Sandpiper (first of the year!)
It was so nice I stopped at ate my sarnies on a park bench in the sun.

I deleted a lot of pics. I had a few out of focus pics at the feeding station for instance but I am learning the camera. Oh none of these were on fully auto!!
not looking too bad at all - I like the ones feeding off the coconuts
Some excellent shots there. I'm impressed. You've obviously RTFM!! ;)
Aww bless that emma-lookalikey. :)
The ponies are cute too. (Looks like someone needs to fill that peanut feeder.. )
Nice pics Pete, glad you see you are enjoying the new camera. Fuzzy ponies!
I want a water rail!!!!
Pete, the pictures are wonderful.
thanks all. I'm still learning the cams limitations.
The feeders are filled by H&MWT volunteers.
Jan I just had to take a photo of the little doggy ;)
Anna - see one on my last 3 visits!
Thought I might see (or at least hear) one at Carr Vale on Friday or today, but nothing. But then the water levels were way up so that might explain it.
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