Thursday, March 06, 2025

So what is happening locally?

As mentioned I saw a teal at the start of the year but I've finally seen a Tufted Duck on the New Hall pond!!! It was there when I walked past but 10 minutes later it had gone. I suspect I won't see any new duck species. Pochard is a long shot.

I finally saw a treecreeper in the local wood! 

There is an area of grass near a new build site which has proven great for yellowhammers, reed bunting and the like but it recently there were a pair of stonechat ! Meaning I've seen 86 species. Which walking from my house is not bad! I've had one unidentified wader species. It was dull and distant that day.

The grassland near the building had this the other week a Barn Owl in daylight. Magical to see. I saw one walking out of town but this is in the town!

Today it is warm and sunny. I did wander through the wood but no sound of a chiffchaff.

Still the sky was blue. There is blossom out. 

And there were brimstones flying and at least 3 commas!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Audley End

I realised I haven't been to Audley End this year!! I think for most of the winter season it has only been open at weekends which I tend to avoid unless meeting friends.

So as the sun was shining and it was relatively warm so off I toddled! I grabbed a coffee and sat in the sun before having a walk

Is this a male showing a stick to a prospective mate?

No apple blossom yet. But if the sun stays as warm it won't be long?

Got to love a posing Blue Tit. They are gorgeous and charasmatic. I need to post about my local sightings

A very pleasant stroll! 

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Anglesey Abbey

Today I went to Anglesey Abbey. I go there a lot but during March/April Wild in Art have an exhibition of 12 Shaun the Sheep sculptures. 

The theme was playing at the entrance and staff on the welcome desk had Shaun ears :)

The Original by Wild in Art Studio

Shaunberry by Jodie Silverman

What Ewe-eat by Gayani Ariyaratne

Shaunucopia by Tim Sutcliffe

River Baank by Jina Gelder

Garden Plaants by Ali Elly

Sunshine by Becky Smith

Birds of a feather by Donna Newman, Eden-Desgin Murals

Shaun the Shape by Kelly Ma

Lemon Drop by Lisa Kirkbride Designs

Barbed-Baa by Donna Newman, Eden-Desgin Murals

Jungle Baananza by Jodie Silverman

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