There were lots of birds flitting about and I hadn't got to the main part before I was distracted by a Great Spotted Woodpecker. I saw something move at the top of some trees .... ah just a Great Tit hang on what's that sitting there? WOW! Spotted Flycatcher a patch tick!! I know they are one of the last migrants but it seems late for one to be in the Forest doesn't it?
On I went seeing a Fox on the way.
There was a Tern up flying and one sat on the raft so it looks promising that they are going to breed!!

This Heron kept flying across the lake!

There were still 3 Grebe chicks (2 + 1), lots of Goslings (mostly Greylags and a family of Canada's

So off to Rye Meads. A few families of Little Grebes with chicks.

There are only 5 pairs of Terns (impacted by the number of Black Headed Gulls).
A bit of Duck Porn!!

A really lovely stroll around some nice places.