For the first time in ages I went to Hatfield Forest. It was fairly quiet but I did see Bullfinch, Marsh Tit, Great Spot and Green Woodies. The lake had Great Crested Grebe's, a Kingfisher and a lone Common Tern. Alas there were few photo ops.
Escaped domestic duck.
Incoming Canada Geese.
Since someone in Canada would be screaming PHOTOS at this point (hi OC :D) I popped to Fisher's Green to a feeding station.
Juvenile Greenfinch
Blue Tit
House Sparrow - Male
House Sparrow - Female or juvenile
Blue Tit
Female House Sparrow
Blue Tit
Blue Tit
Blue Tit
House Sparrow - Female
Great Tit
Female Chaffinch
Blue Tit
Female Chaffinch
House Sparrow - Male
Great Tit
Juvenile Greenfinch
So with enough photos to keep OC happy I headed to Rye Meads.
I couldn't see a Garganey but the Ruff was still about and there were Green Sandpiper and flipping loads of Canada Geese.
Female Pochard
Young Tufted Duck
Gadwall in flight
Little Grebe
Canada Geese
A flutter
and a Dragon