Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In Memoriam

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day and is the 65th Anniversary of the liberation by the Red Army of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

I am a fairly laid back individual but whenever I see footage of places like Auschwitz and Treblinka my job drops. The horror

Man's inhumanity to man never ceases to amaze and horify me. What we mustn't forget is that others were committing similar outrages at the same time - the Russian murdered thousands of Polish soldiers.

Have we learned? No! outrages have taken place in the past quarter of century in the Middle East (Saddam on the Kurds), Rwanda (Africa) and Kosovo (Europe).

The veneer of civilization is very thin! And there but for the grace of God ...


oldcrow61 said...

You're right on this one Pete. I doubt human beings will ever learn.

Anonymous said...

And 1 Nations inhumanity towards another! Israels Blockade of Gaza springs to mind. They have no justification whatsoever!!


ShySongbird said...

Very well put Pete.

Tricia Ryder said...

I feel horror every time I think of "man's inhumanity".

I listened to the radio in the car this morning and, apart from other things, heard children's accounts of what they'd seen in a visit concentration camps, in the last few days on a school trip. They were horrified! (I had to stop driving!) I would like to say it will end one day but......

Unknown said...

Sadly human beings never seem to learn

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