Friday, March 24, 2006

Harry Potter 4

Well I sat down to watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last night on DVD.

Now I know some people may regard me as a sad muppet for reading the books and watching the films but JK Rowling has a certain compulsion in her writing. Pages seem to turn at an alarming rate as the reader want to know "what happens next?".

I've enjoyed the first 3 films but there was something "off" about this one. It seemed an excuse to flit between one big set piece scenario and the next . Don't get me wrong these were all done very well but the book is so long there seemed to be little characterization in the film. They had to make cuts so supplementary characters get very short shrift.

So *** it was entertaining but it is not as good as the book.

The one of course all HP fans want is book 7. Will Ron and Hermione become a stable item (it was nice to make this prediction ages ago and have Min poo poo it)? Is Dumbledore really dead? Is Snape really a traitor? The later is a hard one to call, is Snape really bad? or is it all a sham!

And what will happy to Harry? Will he live happily ever after with Ginny Weasley or will Rowling have him sacrifice himself to stop Voldemort?

HP book 6 was a" set up" book. HP7 will have the uneviable task of capping the Potter series. Will it be a triumph or anti-climax?

1 comment:

Boo said...

Nothing strange about that Pete, all my "kids" still read and watch Harry Potter, the eldest is 33 and the youngest is 25!

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